2009 m. vasario 17 d., antradienis

Analytical summary of “Sleep and Dreams“

Robert S. Feldman’s book’s “Understanding psychology” fourteenth module is Sleep and Dreams. In this module author writes about sleep, its distribution, disturbances, dreams theories and ect.

First of all, author describes sleep, which partible in four stages, which are stated of weak to deep sleep. Also, Robert S. Feldman explains the paradox of sleep. It is rapid eye movement sleep. This paradox describes REM sleep as sleep occupier, which takes 20 percent of an adult’s sleeping time. Moreover, in fourteenth module there is author explains about that how much sleep is necessary. Scientist states that people should are sleeping about seven to eight hour each night.

Furthermore, Robert S. Feldman writes about dreams and nightmares. Author explores unconscious wish fulfillment theory, latent content of dreams and manifest content of dreams, which explain dreams represent. Also, scientist describes and others theories, for example, dreams-for-survival theory and activation-synthesis theory.

In module Sleep and Dreams there is teacher of university describes sleep problems. There are sleep apnea, narcolepsy and insomnia. Moreover, in this part writing about circadian rhythms and daydreams. And finally, Robert S. Feldman explores what we have to do that rather and better to sleep.

To sum up, fourteenth module properly describes sleep and dreams. Robert S. Feldman explains many theories, which propose various scientists.


1 komentaras:

  1. Your summary about Sleep and Dreams is very good.I want to share some information about sleep apnea.Sleep apnea is basically a condition that affects most people causing them to stop breathing for around 10-20 seconds as they sleep. There are different symptoms of sleep apnea that are dependent on the type of sleep apnea condition that one is suffering from. Normally, there are three kinds of sleep apnea namely the (OSA) or obstructive sleep apnea and the (CSA) or central sleep apnea. The third type is rare and exhibits signs of both CSA and OSA, which is called mixed sleep apnea.
