2009 m. rugsėjo 30 d., trečiadienis

Self-assessment of success in listening practice

This semester we will take an English exam and listening is one of the exam paper part. I did listening practise in online. I have chosen topics "Psychology of driving" and "Flow".

The rate of speaking was not very fast but not very slow. For me it was average and I could heard the information. Selected podcasts I listened them twice because I wanted to check if I heard it alike.

I think, that multiple choice is the most useful for improving listening skills. We can choose the most suitable answer and do it more concentrate on listening.

My ability to understand authentic speech is good in these listening practise. Actually, I need more practice, because if I had to take an exam today I not sure that I would be able to pass a listening exam paper.

My listening skills I can improve if I more listen to podcasts, authentic cassette recordings in class, watch English films. I hope that it help me to prepare better for listening exam paper.


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