2009 m. gegužės 13 d., trečiadienis

End-of-term self-assessment

Writing a summary was useful for me. It helps me more to understand themes. I think that my summary writing is better than last semester.

Performance in ESP vocabulary test was quite successful. I had higher grades than last half-year. I spare more time that I good learn definitions.

Performance in class dictation is difficult and not good for me, because I made many grammatical and spelling errors. Dictations was fast and I was not write all text.

Listening practice in class was not very bad, but not good. We do not do very much of these exercises. Listening practice was clear.

Listening to peer’s power point presentations is interesting and useful activity. It helps to understand themes better.

Making power point presentations is very effective and interesting way to learn ESP. I think that my power point presentation was great, but I more reading what I want to say than I talking about it.

Short talks on ESP themes in class was interesting. I know more interesting and essential things. Also, I think that my speaking skills is better now than before.

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