2009 m. balandžio 27 d., pirmadienis

Average Happiness

Happiness is a state of mind or feeling such as contentment, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy. Positive psychology describes happiness as consisting of positive emotions and positive activities. Research has identified a number of correlates with happiness. These include religious involvement, parenthood, marital status, age, income and proximity to other happy people. Some people happiness are materials things, some of people think that happiness are psychics things and for other people are important both things.

Ruut Veenhoven, who studied sociology, rerseach an average in 95 nations from 1995 up to and including 2005. How much people enjoy their life-as-a-whole was evaluate on scale 0 to 10. On the top of 95 nations is Denmark and at the bottom of the countries is Tanzania. I think that these results depend on country’s political and economical situation, because in strong country people can meet they wants and feel happily. In my opinion Lithuania is not strong country, there are not good political and economical systems and so Lithuania is only on 85 place in 95 nations.

Psychologist Professor Edward Diener from the University of Illinois, USA, designed the test, which is measuring your happiness. Professor explains that three the most important influences on happiness are social relationships, the life satisfaction of most people is work or school, or performance in an important role and personal satisfaction with the self, religious or spiritual life, learning and growth, and leisure.

To sum up, happiness depends on various things. I think that people must more joy of that they have and less envy for others.

2009 m. balandžio 24 d., penktadienis

Professor Richard Wiseman

Professor Richard Wiseman is based at the University of Hertfordshire in the UK. He obtained a doctorate in psychology from the University of Edinburgh. He does many research into quirky areas of psychology, including deception, the paranormal, and other.

Prof. Richard Wiseman wrote sevelar books ("The Luck Factor";"Quirkology"), has published over 40 papers in refereed academic journals and other. Psychologist wrote about luck, laughter, lying, and love.
Richard Wiseman has carried out research into several unusual and quirky areas of psychology, including luck, humour, etc. Professor's experiments are interesting, sometimes it looks incredibly, but they are noticeable.

In conclusion, Professor Richard Wiseman has established an international reputation for his research. His researches are useful for us, and our perception.

2009 m. balandžio 23 d., ketvirtadienis

Learning Languages

Foreign languages are very important in our life, for example, in many jobs, carrers, travels and private contacts. There are several effective ways how to learn foreign language.

Firstly, learning the pronunciation of a language is a very important part of your studies. You pay particular attention to the pronunciation and review it regularly. Moreover, other of the most effective way of learning language is learning words in context from written and spoken material. You could also try learning words in a more systematic way - perhaps a certain number of words every day.

Secondly, there are many resources on the Internet, magazines and newspapers where you can do various tests or read different articles. Also, you exercise your skills trough travel. You should speak with humans from other countries, listen to what they say.

Thirdly, you do not to forget the language. You must organise your life so that chances to practice your language come by yourself : travels, newspapers, setting TV on foreign channels, listen music, communicate with foreigners.

In conclusion, it is very important to know a foreign language nowadays. We will be able to participate in many interesting occurrences all over the world.

Picture: http://images.google.lt/